Frequently asked questions
General questions
You can track your parcel by entering the parcel number on our tracking page or in the search field at the top of the page. Here you can find all the information you need to track your shipment or see when we will deliver your mail.
If you need to make a complaint, first contact the company that sent the shipment.
If you want to return your goods, please contact the company that you have ordered the goods from.
You can track your parcel by entering the parcel number on our tracking page or in the search field at the top of the page. Here you can find all the information you need to track your shipment or see when we will deliver your mail.
Citymail, which manages mail, is no longer a part of Bring. You can now find them on
If you want to track your mailbox parcel, you can do this here.
Contact us by phone at +468 120 245 40 and we will book a new time.