Fuel surcharge for home deliveries

Bring's fuel surcharge for home deliveries is based on the mix of fuel used. The current fuel mix can be found in the table below.

The level of the fuel surcharge is determined by the average price in Sweden per month; and Statistics Sweden's controlling index numbers for diesel (K92SÅ0900) and HVO (K16SÅ0910) are used to determine the current fuel surcharge.

The fuel surcharge is adjusted once per month, and is based on the index number two months before the current month. For example, May's fuel surcharge is based on March's index.

The surcharge is adjusted on the first of each month; and the changes are announced about a week in advance on this page. The fuel surcharge will change as we switch to other fuels; and when index figures are available from Statistics Norway. There will be an additional 3.5 % for congestion tax in Stockholm and 2.0 % for congestion tax in Gothenburg. The cost of the fuel surcharge is shown separately on the invoice.

Home deliveries last mile only

Valid fromDiesel (K92SÅ0900)HVO (K16SÅ0910)Fuel surcharge
As of 1 March 2025Diesel index 531.4HVO-index 180.510.65 %
As of 1 February 2025Diesel index 514.4HVO-index 173.79.75 %

Home deliveries including linehaul

Valid fromDiesel (K92SÅ0900)HVO (K16SÅ0910)Fuel surcharge
As of 1 March 2025Diesel index 531.4HVO-index 180.513.42 %
As of 1 February 2025Diesel index 514.4HVO-index 173.712.30 %